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Lining GAO

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Lining GAO


B.S. Chemical Education, Shaanxi Normal University, 2000;

M.S. Physical Chemistry, Shaanxi Normal University, 2003;

Ph.D., Materials Science, Shaanxi Normal University, 2006.

Career history: 

Professor,School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang’anUniversity, 2015.11-persent;

AssociateProfessor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang’anUniversity, 2008.11-2015.11;

VisitingScholar, University of Alberta, 2013.8-2014.8;

Post-Doctor,College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University,2006.7-2008.6.

Creative works:

1.Dansyl-labeled anionicamphiphile with a hexadecanoic carbon chain: Synthesis anddetection for shape transitions in organized molecular assemblies.Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2015, 139: 222-228

2.Fluorescent film sensor forcopper ion based on an assembled monolayer of pyrene moieties.Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2011, 79: 437-442

3.A surfactant typefluorescence probe for detecting micellar growth. Journal ofColloid and Interface Science, 2011, 354: 256-260

4.A novel surfactant-likefluorophore and its probing ability to the aggregation ofamphiphilic compounds. Journal of Photochemistry and PhotobiologyA: Chemistry, 2012, 245: 58-65

5.Characterization andevaluation applications of special gender asphalt emulsifier forSBS modified micro-surfacing. Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science), 2015, 36(05): 30-34


Prof.GAO focus on the traffic functional surface and interfacematerials, applications of fluorescence techniques in chemistry,and colloids and interface chemistry. In recent years, she haspresided over and participated in 3 projects of the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, more than 10 other projects,won 1 first prize and 1 third prize of science and technology inShaanxi Province, authorized more than 10 invention patents, andpublished more than 40 academic papers.

Address:  Schoolof Materials Science and Engineering, Chang'an UniversityXi’an

Telephone (029): 82337340
Fax (029): 82337340
Address: 65 Chang'an Middle Road, Xi'an City
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