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Lei WU

Date:2019-10-12       Number of clicks:1952

Lei WU


B.S., Chemistry., Jilin Univ., 2006;

Co-culture, Haute Alsace Univ., 2009~2011;

Ph. D , Jilin Univ., 2012.

Career history: 

Lecturer, Chang’an Univ., 2012-2019;

Postdoctor, Chang’an Univ., 2016~2019;

Associate Professor, Chang’an University, 2019-present.

Creative works:

The relevant research results have been published in international academic journals, such as, Microp. Mesop. Mater, RSC Adv., Sci. Chi. Chem., Crystal Growth & Design, etc.

Civic activities:

Member of Chinese Chemical Society, 2019-present

Present Positions:


  • Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) materials, Functional traffic materials


Dr. WU has been engaged in research on the design, synthesis and performance of MOFs materials. Since entered Chang 'an university, she has devoted to developing the application research of MOFs in the field of transportation. Dr. WU underwent and participated in a number of basic researches, such as the national natural science foundation of China, China postdoctoral science foundation, natural science basic research plan in Shaanxi province of China, etc. The relevant research results have been published in international academic journals, such as, Microp. Mesop. Mater, RSC Adv., Sci. Chi. Chem., Crystal Growth & Design, etc.

Address:    Chang’an University Middle-section of Nan'er Huan Road Xi'an, ShaanXi Province, 710064, China

Fax: (029) 82337340

Tel: 18142483417


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