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Luke YAN

Date:2019-10-12       Number of clicks:2046

Luke YAN


B.Polymer Science andEngineering, North University of China, 2002;

M.Materials Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2005;

Ph.D, Materials Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2008;

Career history: 

AssociateProfessor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang’anUniversity, 2010.11-persent;

Lecturer,School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang’anUniversity, 2008.5-2010.10;

VisitingScholar, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF),2014.10-2015.9.

Creative works:

  1. LukeYan,Gui Zhang, Lei Zhang,Wei Zhang, Jincui Gu, Youju Huang, Jiawei Zhang, Tao Chen.Robust construction of underwater superoleophobicCNTs/nanoparticles multifunctional hybrid membranes viainterception effect for oily wastewater purification. Journalof Membrane Science,2019. 569(1): 32~40.

  2. LukeYAN, Min CHAO,Jian XIAO, Lining GAO, Sven WIEβNER.Study on Preparation of BaSO4-ContainingPolytetrafluoroethylene Granular Powder. Advancesin Polymer Technology,2017. 36(4): 418~423.

  3. Luke Yan,Rongrong Huang, Jian Xiao, Huiyun Xia, Min Chao and Sven Wieβner.Preparation and properties of a composite made by bariumsulfate-containing polytetrafluoroethylene granular powder. HighPerformance Polymers,2016. 28(6): 741~746.


TrafficFunctional Materials, Special Engineering Plastics and PolymerComposites


Design,preparation, modification and application of traffic functionalmaterials, special engineering plastics and polymer composites;

Greenpolymer materials;

Greenrecycling and high-value utilization of waste plastics.

Address: No.75, Middle of Chang’an Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710061, P. R.China

Fax: 0086-29-82337345

Tel: 0086-29-82337258


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Address: 65 Chang'an Middle Road, Xi'an City
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