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Xiaoyu LI

Date:2019-10-12       Number of clicks:1848

Xiaoyu LI


B.,Central South Univ., 2011;

Ph.D , Central South Univ., 2016;

Career history:

AssociateProfessor, Chang’an Univ., 2018-present;
Lecturer, Chang'anUniv., 2016-2018

Creative works:

1.Published Papers in Professional Journals such as Sci. Rep., Appl.Clay Sci., CrystEngComm etc.

Present Positions:

AssociateProfessor of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang’anUniversity (CHD)


Materials Science andEngineering


Prof.Li focuses on the basic theory and functionalized application fornatural clay mineral resources. Li has made significantcontributions to the fields of modification and processing ofnatural clay nanomaterials. Li has published more than 20 academicpapers as the first author or corresponding author.

Address: CHANG'ANUNIVERSITY, Chang'an Middle Road, Xi'an, ShaanXi Province, 710061,China

Telephone (029): 82337340
Fax (029): 82337340
Address: 65 Chang'an Middle Road, Xi'an City
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