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Chaoping JIANG

Date:2019-10-12       Number of clicks:1018

Chaoping JIANG


Bachelorof Engineering, Chang’an University, 2000;

Masterof Engineering, Chang’an University, 2006;

Ph.D, Chang’an University, 2015;

Career history:

Lecturer,Chang’an University, 2000-2012.

AssociateProfessor, Chang’an University, 2012-persent.

VisitingScholar, The University of Queensland, 2016.

Creative works:

PublishedPapers in Professional Journals such as Journal of Thermal SprayTechnology, Journal of Surface Engineering, RareMetal Materials and Engineering, International Journal ofMinerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Vacuum, REVIEWS ON ADVANCEDMATERIALS SCIENCE, Rare Metal Materails and Engineering, Journalof Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., and AdvancedMaterials & Processes etc.

Civic activities:

Directorof SurfaceEngineeringBranch ofShaanxi Institute of Mechanical Engineering,2009-present

Present Positions:

AssociateProfessor of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang’anUniversity


Material ProcessingEngineering


Dr.Chao-ping Jiang holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineeringfrom Chang’an University, Xi’an, China. During his Ph.D., heworked towards the development of plasma-sprayed Fe-basedamorphous coatings applied in both thermal barrier coatings (TBCs)and the corrosion resistance surfaces. His expertise lies indevelopment of application specific engineered microstructures byoptimizing the processing of thermal spray parameters.

Heis currently employed as associate professor in School ofMaterials Science and Engineering, Chang’an University, China.He is the director of Surface Engineering Branch of ShaanxiInstitute of Mechanical Engineering, and the reviewer ofinternational journals (Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, International Journal of AppliedCeramic Technology, RareMetal Materials and Engineering, etc.). At present, He haspublished more than 20 academic papers.

Address:Middle-Sectionof Nan'er Huan Road,School of MaterialsScience and Engineering, Chang’an University,Xi'an, ShaanxiProvince, 710064, China



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