Ph.D.,Material Science andEngineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU),Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China, 2009-2012. M.S.,Material Science and Engineering, Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity (NPU),Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China, 2007-2009. B.S.,Metal MaterialsEngineering, Shandong Jianzhu University (SDJZU),Jinan, Shandong province, China, 2003-2007. |
AssociateProfessor inMaterial Science and Engineering, Chang'an University,Xi'an,Shaanxi province, China, 2015.11-Now. VisitingScholar inMechanical &IndustrialEngineering, University of Toronto, ON, Canada, 2016.02-2016.09. Lecturerin Material Science and Engineering, Chang'anUniversity, Xi'an,Shaanxi province, China, 2012.10-2015.11. |
[1]LiangZhou*,Julong Huang, Xingang Wang, Gexin Su, Jieyou Qiu, Yanli Dong.Mechanical, dielectric and microwave absorption properties ofFeSiAl/Al2O3composites fabricated by hot-pressed sintering. Journal of Alloysand Compounds, 2019, 774: 813~819. [2]LiangZhou*,Gexin Su, Hongbo Wang, Julong Huang, Yajie Guo, Zhuo Li, XinghuaSu. Influence of NiCrAlY content on dielectric and microwaveabsorption properties of NiCrAlY/Al2O3composite coatings. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777:478~484. [3]LiangZhou*,Julong Huang, Hongbo Wang, Meng Chen, Yanli Dong, Fukang Zheng,FeSiAl/ZnO-filled resin composite coatings with enhanceddielectric and microwave absorption properties, Journal ofMaterials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30: 1896~1906. [4] LiangZhou*,Meng Chen, Yanli Dong, Zhanwei Yuan. Enhanced dielectric andmicrowave absorption properties of Cr/Al2O3coatings deposited by low-power plasma spraying. Journal of theAmerican Ceramic Society, 2017, 100: 620~626. [5] LiangZhou*,Yanli Dong, Zhenjun Wang, Yuxin Wang, Dongpeng Hua. Influence ofCr content and initial Cr particle size on the dielectricproperties of plasma-sprayed Cr/Al2O3coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 313: 374~380. [6] LiangZhou*,Meng Chen, Yanli Dong, Dongpeng Hua, Yuxin Wang. Effect of initialparticle size on microstructure and dielectric properties ofCr/Al2O3coatings deposited by plasma spraying. Journal of MaterialsScience: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28:167~173. [7]LiangZhou*,Fa Luo, Wancheng Zhou, Dongmei Zhu, Influence of FeCrAl content onmicrostructure and bonding strength of plasma sprayed FeCrAl/Al2O3coatings, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2016, 25: 509-517. |
Dr.Liang Zhou is an Associate Professor in the School of MaterialScience and Engineeringat the Chang'anUniversity. Before joining the Chang'anUniversity in 2012, he received his BSc degree from ShandongJianzhu University in 2007, and PhD degree in Materials Scienceand Engineering from the Northwestern Polytechnical University in2012, respectively. Hismain research interests are the study of electromagneticinterference shielding and absorption materials, including thermalspraying coatings, ceramic-based composites fabricated byhot-pressing sintering, polymer-based composite coatings. He hasperformed comprehensive studies on the relationships among themicrostructure, composition, and electromagnetic properties of thecomposites. Professor Zhou has done extensive works on thedielectric and microwave absorption properties in plasma sprayingcoatings as well as the design of spraying deposition devices. |