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Hongyao JIA

Date:2023-11-14       Number of clicks:10

Hongyao Jia

Name: Hongyao Jia


B. Materials Science and Engineering., Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao.,2010-2014;

Ph.D, Materials Science and Engineering., Northwestern Polytechnical University.,2014-2021;

Career history: 

Lecturer, Chang’an Univ., 2021-present;

Creative works:

(1) Measurement of precise high-temperature electromagnetic parameters.

(2) Microwave absorbents and coatings used for high temperature conditions.

(3) Ultrathin and broadband resin-based microwave absorbing coatings.


Dielectric material; ferroelectric materials; oxide semiconductor; high temperature conductivity ceramics; ceramic coatings; resin-based coatings; high temperature microwave absorption; microwave absorbing and thermal conductive materials


Dr. Hongyao Jia is interested in microwave absorbing materials, especially including high temperature microwave absorbents, ultrathin broadband coatings and microwave absorbing & thermal conductive materials. There are currently some meaningful achievements in related fields.

Address: Middle-section of Nan'er Huan Road Xi'an, Shaan Xi, 710064, China   

Tel:  029-82337340


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Address: 65 Chang'an Middle Road, Xi'an City
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