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Huaxin CHEN

Date:2019-11-06       Number of clicks:1055

Huaxin CHEN


Ph. D., Chang’an University, 2006;

M. S., Chang’an University, 2002;

B. S., Chang’an University, 1996.

Career history:

Professor, Chang’an University, 2010-

Associate professor, Chang’an University, 2008-2010;

Postdoctor, Purdue University, 2007-2008;

Associate professor, Chang’an University, 2005-2007;

Lecturer, Chang’an University, 2001-2005;
Teaching assistant, Chang’an University, 1996-2001.

Creative works:

1. Co-author (First author): Handbook of Quality Supervision for the Bridge and Tunnel Engineering of High-level Road, 2011;
2. Co-author (First author): Handbook of Quality Supervision for the Subgrade, Pavement, and Traffic Engineering of High-level Road, 2010;

3. Co-author: Construction and Design for Asphalt Mixture, 2006;
3. Published Papers in Professional Journals such as

Civic activities:

Academic committee member, Qinghai research & observation station, Transportation industry key laboratory of Highway construction and maintenance technology in permafrost area, 2016-;

Academic committee member, National & local joint laboratory of transportation construction and maintenance technology in high-altitude and cold areas, 2016-;

Editorial committee member for specification of Flash setting admixtures for shotcrete, 2017-;

Editorial committee member for specification of Technology specifications for design and construction of chip seal in highway asphalt pavement, 2017;

Editorial committee member for specification of Technical standards for application of road compound stabilized soil, 2017.

Present Positions:

Executive council member, Branch of cement concrete additive, Construction materials association of China;

Council member, Branch of special cement, China cement society;

Council member, Branch of cement & concrete production, China ceramic society;

Council member, Transportation ministry innovation center of heavy traffic road maintenance materials;

Academic committee member, Qinghai-Tibet highland road construction and maintenance key laboratory.


Transportation materials science and technologies


Dr. Chen has been working on the road materials & structures theories and the corresponding performances improvement technologies. Dr. Chen’s research is featured with the durable pavement structure & materials, environmental-friendly pavement materials, asphalt modification and emulsification technologies, and structured cement concrete long-term performances. Dr. Chen has been PI & CO-PI in the projects of National Key Technology R&D programs during the 11th, 12th ,13th Five-year Plan Period, and he is also supported by other national and ministerial funding programs more than 50 times such as National Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Western Traffic Science and Technology Program. Dr. Chen has been rewarded more than 10 times by ministerial & provincial science and technology awards, published 48 national patents, more than 100 journal papers, and four treatises.

Address: Chang’an University, South 2nd Ring road, Beilin district, Xi’an, Shaanxi.
Fax: 029-82337246
Tel: +86 137 5994 2198

Telephone (029): 82337340
Fax (029): 82337340
Address: 65 Chang'an Middle Road, Xi'an City
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