Zhenjun ZHOU

Date:2019-10-12       Number of clicks:1843

Zhenjun ZHOU


Ph.D , Tianjin Univ, 2002

Career history: 

Professor,Chang,anUniv., 2005- persent.

Creative works:

Published Papers inProfessional Journals such as Journalof the European Ceramic Society, Journal of rare earths,Journal of material science and technology, and Trans. NonferrousMet. Soc. China etc.


Material Science andTechnology


Prof.ZHOU has published more than 100 academic papers.

Tel: 13488262180    
E-mail: zhenjunz@chd.edu.cn

Telephone (029): 82337340
Fax (029): 82337340
Address: 65 Chang'an Middle Road, Xi'an City
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