Jiuran WEN

Date:2019-10-12       Number of clicks:1847

Jiuran WEN

Educatuon  :

B.Materials.,Chang’anUniv., 2018;

M.Materials.,Chang’anUniv., 2003;

Ph.D , Geological ResourceExploration Engineering.,Chang’anUniv., 2000;

Career history: 

AssociateProfessor, Chang’anUniv., 2014--present;

Lecture,Chang’anUniv., 2005--2014;

Assistant,Chang’anUniv., 2003-2005;

Creative works:

1. First author: RareMtel Materials and Engineering,2014 ;
        2. Firstauthor
:Journal ofChang’an University,2013;

3. Firstauthor:Concrete,2013;



Treatment Engineering ofWaste Solid


Presided over 2 scientificprojects (supported by Shaanxi Provincial Natural ScienceFoundation);

Presiding the projectsupported by the Department of Housing and Urban RuralDevelopment;

Participated the ShaanxiProvincial Project 13115 Plan;

Publishedmore than 10 papers in the journals

Address:   Xi’an  ShaanxiPrivince  China
Fax:     029-82337340  
Tel:   18149266098 
E-mail: Jiuranw@chd.edu.cn

Telephone (029): 82337340
Fax (029): 82337340
Address: 65 Chang'an Middle Road, Xi'an City
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